Read This First: Proof of Insurance Requirements
Please note:
We are required by our insurance to obtain proof of liability insurance from all outside groups, renters, and individuals using our premises for events, programs, weddings, receptions, anniversaries, birthdays and all other similar activities that are not programs formally sponsored and supervised by church leadership.
Your rental cannot be confirmed until proof of liability insurance is received in the form of a Certificate of Liability Insurance confirming coverage for your operations on our premises and naming Oceanside Community Church as Additional Insured for any legal liability arising out of your negligence.
For most events, we recommend a minimum General Liability and Tenants Legal Liability coverage limit of $2,000,000 (or higher in some circumstances).
We recommend you check with your personal insurance broker for special event liablity insurance, or through your own Homeowners', Condominium or Tenant's Package policy.
You can also quickly secure event coverage at a reasonably affordable rate directly through other specialty insurance providers, including:
DUUO Insurance
PAL Insurance
DISCLAIMER: The above references are for information purposes only, and to insurance providers who are known to offer short-term liability coverage for special events and short-term rentals. Oceanside Community Church does not make any representations as to your groups eligibility, or the scope of coverageprovided by those third-party insurance providers.
If you believe obtaining liability insurance provides unique financial hardship in your situation, please reach out to us directly and we will try to work with you on a solution.
Thank you for your understanding!
All applications and fee payments must be submitted at least one week prior to the requested rental date to ensure proper planning and staffing from the church. Larger events likely require several weeks advance notice. We cannot process requests made less than 7 days before the event unless special permission is granted.
Please email with any questions about this application or the rental.
(For recurring/weekly events and use of building, fill in details based on a normal event)
Not all services will be available. Please check with the church on availability and the number of hours needed for some services. Fees may vary based on space(s) being requested.
If your application is approved, we will calculate the total fees for you based on the hours required and information you provided. We will contact you with a total. Rental is not confirmed until full payment is received.
In order to reserve your rental, a minimum 50% non-refundable deposit is due immediately upon receipt of invoice from us. Please keep in mind we are a fairly small building with no separate wings or floors available to host multiple events. For that reason, and to cover administrative costs, we are only able to offer 50% refunds in the event of a cancellation, as it may have limited our ability to host other events or rentals.
Note: minimum $50 fee per rental for any group.
A damage deposit of $250 may be requested for some groups, particularly for large events, as well as a reference, preferably of someone you have rented from in the past. We will contact you if needed.
Payment Options if/when total fee is known (payment must be received to secure your rental date):
- Credit Card. Online at our secure giving page at . Choose Other from the dropdown menu and write Rental facility and the name of your event/group in the memo line. Please forward your payment email confirmation to You can also pay over the phone.
- Cheque. Please make payable to Oceanside Community Church and put Rental Facility and event name in the memo line, and mail or bring cheuqe by.
- E-transfer. Visit for instructions. Please specify in the memo the name of your groups and that it is for facility rental.
Thank you!
- Per fire regulations, the maximum number of people in the church shall be 288 in the main auditorium, and 144 in the multipurpose room.
- Only rooms, furniture, musical equipment and technical equipment specified in this agreement may be used by the Renter.
- If children are present when adults are using the facility, they must be under proper supervision and use only the rooms and spaces rented.
- Furniture, musical instruments (drums, keyboard, piano, etc.), projector screens, wall-hangings and notice boards cannot be moved or adjusted without written permission of the church.
- Nothing may be affixed to the building interior or exterior (no tacks, staples, tape), nor any alterations made without the written permission of the church.
- All items, furniture, or kitchen supplies that have been used or moved (with permission) must be returned to their correct spot and cleaned or washed if necessary.
- The Renter is responsible for basic cleaning of the facility. Any damage or harm to the facility or equipment, other than normal wear and tear, shall be the Renters responsibility. The full damage deposit will be returned if the facilities are left in satisfactory condition.
- All food waste, garbage, and recyclable materials must be disposed of in the proper containers and put in the appropriate bins behind the church (with the help of the host) immediately after the event. Do not leave leftover food behind unless prior agreement has been made.
- Candles may only be used with special permission from the church and must conform to the churchs requirements and local fire regulations.
- Equipment, staging, decorations, displays, etc. must be removed at the end of the event and not left for later pick up. The church must be left in satisfactory condition so as not to interfere with normal church events, unless prior arrangements have been made with the church.
- A walkthrough of the building may be required ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the use of the church facilities.
- All alcohol, illegal drugs, and gambling activities are strictly prohibited on the premises or surroundings of the church.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the building and may only take place in designated areas outside the building.
- It is an express term of this agreement that the Renter indemnifies the Church for any costs or damages of any kind incurred by Oceanside Community Church as a result of the rental of the facility by the Renter.
- Oceanside Community Church is not responsible for any cost or inconvenience due to a power failure, snow, storm or similar event beyond their control.
- Oceanside Community Church is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items.
- Full payment is due upon booking. A full refund will be given if notice of cancellation is given 48 hours prior to the start of the event. If less than 48 hours notice is given then 50% (fifty) of the fee will be refunded, less the cost to any hired staff.
- Under special circumstances, Oceanside Community Church reserves the right to waive some or all fees associated with the building use at the discretion of the leadership of the church.
- If the church is unable to arrange a host, sound/media tech, or other necessary staff, then certain areas of the facility may not be available for use. There is no access to or operation of the church sound and media equipment except by designated and trained personnel from the church as arranged in this agreement.
- Oceanside Community Church and its leadership reserves the right to refuse rental to events and purposes that do not align with the beliefs, values, and statements espoused by the church, as represented by our Statement of Essential Truths and Positions and Practices which are contained within the legal document of our Local Church Constitution and By-Laws. We also prohibit activities that present an unreasonable risk of harm of bodily injury or property damage, or that are in contravention of our organization's objects, statement of faith, and lifestyle expectations.
- A program (or synopsis) of any wedding, event, performance, or presentations to be held in the church (and two complimentary passes if applicable) must be provided to ensure the presentation is compatible with beliefs and values of Oceanside Community Church.
- Oceanside Community Church or its designate reserves the right to terminate a function at their discretion and upon reasonable cause.
In consideration of being permitted to use certain lands and premises under the ownership of Oceanside Community Church (the Premises) and other goods and valuable consideration, the undersigned agrees to save harmless and indemnify Oceanside Community Church and their directors, pastors, deacons, employees and agents (the Indemnified Parties) from and against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, suits, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature (including without limiting the generality of the forgoing in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to any person or property) arising in any way out of or connected with the use of the premises by the Undersigned (the User).
I have read, and on behalf of the user, agree to be bound by all pages of this Rental Agreement, and the Terms and Conditions and Waiver outlined above. I hereby warrant and represent that I execute this Rental Agreement of behalf of the User, and have sufficient authority, power, and capacity to bind the user with my signature on the date given below.