Baptism Form

Baptism is a biblical step and springboard to becoming a more fully devoted follower of God, fully mature in Jesus, and fully alive with the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested in taking this important step of being baptized in water, please:


2) Complete and submit this form

Feel free to reach out to a pastor with any questions you might have along the way!

After listening to the teaching, I have decided I would like to take this step of obedience and be baptized in water before the people of Oceanside Community Church.

(If you are under 16 years or age, meeting with a parent may be required)

Tip: Outline your life before Christ, how you accepted Christ, and your life now that you are following Christ.

Tip: Please select a Sunday.

Tip: If choosing 9am, we will try to show your baptism video in the 11am. If 11am, we may ask you to share in the 9am if you don't record a video.


As baptism is a public declaration of one's faith, we love to record video and take pictures to celebrate your big day and as a way to encourage others to take the same step of faith! Therefore, we ask you to consider providing your consent below by ticking the boxes.

If this baptism is for a minor, please have the guardian complete this general photo and video release form online. Thanks!


Media Release Consent

I (named and signed above) give Oceanside Community Church (the Church) the right to use my picture, video, audio, or written statement in all forms, including but not limited to my image, visual likeness, edited or altered forms, and composite representations, and in all manners of media, including but not limited to publications, websites, brochures, social media, site photos, videos, promotional material, any other marketing or promotion for the church, and any other lawful purposes (all the preceding collectively referred to as Works.) I acknowledge that livestreamed service content cannot be changed or edited once streamed. 


I agree that all the above Works and reproductions or derivatives shall be the exclusive property of the Church, and understand that the Church may keep or use the Works now and in the future for the above purposes and waive any rights to the Works. 

Tip: Please enter today's date

Once your completed form is received, a pastor will be in touch with you to schedule a time to discuss your baptism as well as propose a date for your water baptism.